Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tierra del vino. Capital of La Rioja. Wine is served by the pitcher.

A man approached me on the street. I still look like
I've never been here before. He told me not to ask for a crianza. "Just buy year wine. Wine can be made in 30 minutes. It's all good." He's right. But I already knew that.

This is the street you wish you grew up on.

On the way in, in a small town called Viana, I came upon a church that had enough light to take pictures. Ask yourself, "how likely would find anything like this in a town of 10,000?"

This is an amazing adventure. Every day is different and everything is a surprise. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Unbelieveable archetecture!

    Thanks and keep them coming.

    Good to hear that you are enjoying the adventure.
