House Rules

Posts will be intermittent and erratic. I can't imagine anybody taking the time to check in regularly to see if there is a new post only to find that there isn't. There are ways to avoid that.


  • by e-mail
    for those who don't have too much e-mail already
  • as a Google follower
    this is Google's “community” building tool. It allows followers to communicate directly with one another and provides this web-site with data that can be used to help target your interest (or perhaps sell you something if I had anything more to sell).
  • RSS feed (atom)
    By using a RSS reader you can stack new posts from Die Blogwerke with new posts you might find elsewhere. Refreshing posts in the RSS reader will combine all those new posts from the various sources into one list saving you the time of having to load each page manually and finding in many cases that there is nothing new.
Blogging is interactive. Comments are appreciated; thoughtful, polite and informed comments more so. We are to learn from each other.

A lot of what I expect to post will have to be done from my telephone, sometimes paying international roaming charges. I'll read all of your comments. I don't expect to be able to respond to all of them and certainly not in a timely way. Please don't assume that I'm not interested.

Spam is less appreciated. I reserve the right to take down any comments that I feel are inappropriate and will take down anything that smells of spam.