Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter week in León

These aren't exactly Easter parades like we have at home which all start at one point and end at another. Each cofradia (brotherhood, club) organizes its own route, carries its own "paso", has its own tradition. So they are scattered throughout the city. Though most probably begin or end at the cathedral. Many, probably most, have a history of centuries.

Sevilla hosts the more famous, but I've always heard of these in León as being more serious, more serene, with a deeper religious foundation. Maybe. Maybe not. That probably depends on who you talk to. I've been to Sevilla and yes, it's festive - but no smurfs. I was looking forward to these in León. Anyway, we've had the misfortune to have encountered rain every day this week. And they just don't take the "pasos" into the rain. We were only able to see this one procession.



  1. It sounds as if you are having the same kind of weather there as we are here. It rains everday. Bummer!

    Thank you for the postings. Keep them coming.

  2. As it happens, after being washed out in Leon we stumbled upon another procession in a small town where we stopped to eat on the way home. I have some photos in the camera which I will upload if I can get them out of the camera. Not as easy as it sounds.
