Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Museo Reina Sophia

This place is new. It wasn't here the last time I was in Madrid. It houses more modern work. Some of it leaves me flat.

The cubist stuff leaves me flat too.

Picasso's Guernica is here - part of our shared experience. They wouldn't let me take pictures of it, but that doesn't matter. You've already seen it. It looks just like in the pictures only bigger.

I liked the Dali. Not flat.

And some work by Jean Miró.

"Man with a (flat) Pipe"

And more Goya - a whole series of these etchings.

And a wide variety of work from the early 20th century from just about anything to the surreal. This one is funny.

And even some nice photos of Spanish pueblos in the 1950's by an American photographer who's name escapes me and was published in Life.

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